
  Coulthard, Jean (1908-2000)
      A Prayer for Elizabeth [strings] [8']
      The Bird of dawning singeth all night long [solo violin, harp and strings] [6']
      Music to St. Cecilia [organ and strings] [9']


  Yi, Chen (1953)
      Sprout [strings] [8']


  Sariaaho, Kaija (1952)

      Terra memoria [strings] [20']

Great Britain

  Gipps, Ruth (1921-99)

      Cringlemire Garden, Impression for string orchestra Op. 39 [strings] [6']

  Smyth, Ethel (1858-1944)

      Suite in E major for string orchestra Op. 1a [strings] [30']

New Zeland

  Holmes, Leonie (1962)

      Prelude [strings]
      Seconds [strings]


  Bacewicz, Grażyna (1909-1969)
      Concerto for string orchestra [strings] [14']


  Pavlova, Alla (1952)
      Elegy [piano and strings] [4']

United States of America

  Crawford Seeger, Ruth (1901-1953)

      Andante for Strings [strings] [4']

  Price, Florence (1887-1953)

      Adoration [strings] [4']

Works for String Orchestra

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